150x DFS 5/0 Octopus Circle Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
150 size 3/0 DFS Octopus CIRCLE Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
200 DFS size 2/0 Octopus CIRCLE Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
200x DFS size 1/0 Octopus CIRCLE Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
200x DFS size #2 Octopus CIRCLE Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
200x DFS size #4 Octopus CIRCLE Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
200x DFS size #6 Octopus CIRCLE Fishing Hooks Chemically Sharp
BOXED 120x DFS size #6,#4,#2,#1,1/0 small Octopus CIRC
this store will be closed from APRIL 4 to APRIL 22, PLEASE DO NOT ORDER