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BULK LOT 12books, great for ladies

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Bulk books, x 12
Perfect for the ladies, any age group
1. Big night out -  put your snappiest outfit on and get ready for the biggest night out - with your favourite authors!
2. The gift by Danielle Steel, - a young woman steps off a Chicago bus into a small mid western town. Her reason to stop here is a part of the story you'll never forget!
3. Dangerous Kiss by Jackie Collins  - story of raw anger, lust, murder and revenge
4. Irresistible Forces by Danielle Steel- Riveting, you'll love it!
5. Poor little bitch girls by Jackie Collins - think seduction, lust and insatiable liaisons!
6. Catwalk by Emma Davison - The life of a top model is waiting. Glamour and ambition, love and sex, greed and jealousy.
7. Pants on Fire by Maggie Alderson - what to do when all the blokes you've found are either gay, married, unfaithful or just plain unworthy?
8. Lady Boss by Jackie Collins - that's how it's done! Stylish and superb, you can't put it down
9. One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell - Sex and glamour in New York -  oh , and fashion!
10. How to break your own heart by Maggie Alderson - a deep understanding of a human heart, those rare moments of grace when we decide to risk everything for the chance to be truly, madly and deeply happy!
11. Handbags and gladrags by Maggie Alderson - a clever send - up of tribal Sydney with an acutely observed romance we can all relate to
12. Cents and Sensibility by Maggie Alderson - there is only one thing worse than having a boyfriend with no money - and that's having an incredibly rich one!
Books are all in a great nick, some excellent, packed and posted in a sturdy  box